Monday, August 15, 2016

Bunco Night

Having moved into a new state, without the comforts and security of all my old friends, I was feeling rather lonely.  I wracked my brain to figure out how to meet some folks in our new neighborhood and after praying about it, suddenly it hit me like a 2 by 4 up side my head.  Why not start a Bunco Group?!  I figured if I was feeling a little lonely, perhaps other women in the neighborhood or that had just moved here might be too.  And boy, was I right!!  As I went to talk to each of my neighbors about Bunco and mentioned it to some friends and new acquaintances, everyone was getting excited about it.  I mean really, what's not to like about a group of women getting together to play a dice game, laugh, talk and eat - sometimes all at the same time.  I love sharing my home, I love being around other people, by jove, I think I found the answer.  And so it began.  The planning, the organization, the contacts, the cancellations, finding more players and all of it was a blast!!

I played Bunco with a group of women in our previous location and it was so much fun.  That group was made up mostly of people that were related in one way or another or had been friends for ions.  I was kind of the odd man out, but it was still fun.  It made me remember that as a little girl living in Chicago, my grandmother used to take me to her friends homes to play Bunco - usually in the basement of the home.  (I didn't get to play, but I sure enjoyed watching.) These older women had been friends forever and some were even my Grandmother's sisters.  They had all played Bunco together for too many years to count.  I remember the prizes in Grandma's Bunco group were homemade.  Things like crocheted napkins or table doilies.  I wonder if anyone even knows what a table doily is any more???  Anyway, sometimes someone would bring a baked good as a prize or a needlepoint kleenex box cover.  Each item was special and each item was given the proper amount of Oooohs! and Ahhhhhs! from all the ladies in the group.  There was much laughter, much talk, much eating and lots of hootin' and hollerin' when someone got a Bunco.  And I loved it.

When I first started talking about starting a Bunco group, my husband had this quizzical look on his face.  "Bunco - what the heck is Bunco??", he asked.  He had never heard of it.  I couldn't believe it. Obviously Bunco is a girl thing!  And then... he experienced it.  We had our first Bunco Night and he was amazed at all the laughter, the talk, the fun and excitement and just like Grandma's group - tons of hootin' and hollerin' that went on for hours.  And when the prizes were awarded, it was over the top...truly he had never witnessed anything quite like it.

What happens on a Bunco Night has not changed and neither have women who just like to get together and have a good time.  Whether those women are family, old friends, or new friends, women have not changed.  And neither has what happens when women get together. You see, women work hard - whether it is in the home or outside the home. They need some time to unwind and just kick back and relax with other women.  Proverbs 31 describes a Woman of Noble Character - vs. 13-24 & 27 paraphrased by me - she gets up before dawn (or so) to prepare breakfast for her household, she plants, she is a hard worker, she makes sure her dealings are profitable, her lamp burns late into the night, her hands are busy, she helps the poor and needy, she makes sure her family has warm clothes, she sews, she takes care of herself, she makes things to sell, she carefully watches over everything in her household and she is never lazy.  This is a busy woman.  And that is how most women are.  They are busy doing the work that needs to be done to care for their family, others and to serve the Lord.  So a Bunco Night is a welcome reprieve from all those responsibilities.  A couple hours to just be who she is - not a mom, not a wife - just herself!  It is indeed good medicine.  Proverbs 17:22a "A cheerful heart is good medicine."  Scripture says, "She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future."  Proverbs 31:25  A woman's laughter at Bunco or most any place is 100% genuine release of pure joy.  There is nothing like a group of women getting together to just have fun.  The laughter just happens, and I believe God loves to hear women laugh!!  Proverbs 15:15b "...for the happy heart, life is a continual feast."  

If you are looking for a way to meet some new people or like me, meet the people in your new neighborhood, starting a Bunco Night might be an answer for you, too!  I see God's blessing in this group of women - we have been blessed with each other.  Paying that blessing forward, I am happy to share my Bunco organizational plans and forms.  Just enter a comment with your email address at and let me know you'd like the information.

Let the good times roll!

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