It's All Good
There is a great children's book called Pete the Cat I Love My White Shoes written by Eric Litwin. Pete is a very cool cat. And he wears tennis shoes. I told you he was cool! Pete was just strolling along singing his song "I love my white shoes", so proud and happy with his white tennis shoes when all of sudden he steps in a large pile of strawberries. And you guessed it - his beautiful white shoes turn RED. This does not phase Pete in the least and he just changes his song - "I love my red shoes, I love my red shoes", when suddenly he steps in a large pile of blueberries. Pete does not cry he just keeps walking along and signing a new song - "I love my BLUE shoes" - in fact, Pete thinks it's kind of awesome that now he has blue shoes instead of plain old white shoes. As Pete strolls along, he steps in mud and his shoes turn brown and then steps in water to wash away all the color, but now his shoes were wet. And the moral of the story is no matter what you step in, just be happy and keep singing your song because --------- It's all good!!!!!
And it is.
In the early 80's we were still living in Chicago and we were happy campers. We owned a really nice house had great neighbors, wonderful friends, owned two stores. Life was good and we were strolling along singing our song. When suddenly the economy went south (uh oh, curve ball coming our way) and thus so did our two stores and we fell on hard times. But family and friends helped out and we kept singing our song. Finally in order to prevent filing for bankruptcy we had to sell our house and the two stores. This was devastating as we had worked very hard and saved and planned in order to buy the home and we loved the stores. But, stuff happens, right? Life just has to go on. We took it in stride and just did what needed to be done. We rented a home in the same area and then my in-laws purchased a home that we rented from them also in the same area. And so, not much was different except the house we lived in, same friends, the kids were at the same schools, so life was still good ---- just a little different --- new jobs, we met new great neighbors and we kept singing our song in spite of our losses.
You see, no matter what curve balls head your way, if you just do what needs to be done and move on rather than dwelling on the curve balls, you can get through it. If you dwell on the curve balls they hit you - ya gotta duck!!
Everything happens for a reason, and it's all good!
Make the most of whatever life sends your way because, it's all good!
Search and find the positive in all situations, there's one there, somewhere, because it's all good!
Lean on the everlasting arms of Christ and you can do anything and make it through anything and then it's all good. That's the secret.
"I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." Philippians 4: 11 - 13
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