Let It Go
Does it bug anyone else beside me when someone gives you a project to do and then proceeds to tell you how to do it? This is not only a bit demeaning, but also rather stifling.
I can remember when I worked in an office and the boss would come in with a project he or she wanted me to do and would say, "This is your baby, you have full charge of this one." But then in the next breath the boss would tell me how to do the project. Well, if I do that project the bosses way is it really my project? If a project has been given to a person, the freedom to do that project as they wish should go along with it. As long as the job gets done - does it really matter how?
It would be kind of like Jesus saying "I am giving you a job to do" it is to "go and make disciples". And then adding, "Go to bookstores and make disciples by inviting them to have a cup of coffee." But Jesus, because He is who He is, didn't do that. Yes, He did say "Baptize them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit" and "teach them to obey" but that is part of the job. He let it go at - Go and make disciples. How we do it is up to us. And that is freeing! That is exciting and challenging and fun and it makes you want to do it!
I wish managers and bosses everywhere would take a lesson from Jesus when assigning a job or a responsibility. Assign the job and then Let It Go!
These kinds of things happen in homes as well. We ask our kids to clean their room and then get mad at them when we hear music blaring while they are working. Well, maybe music helps them get the job done. I am okay with whatever it takes (within reason) as long as it gets done!
I think what we have to remember is that there is more than one way to do things. Jesus knew this and that's why He didn't give any other instructions than "go and make disciples." Making disciples is a really big job - much bigger than any job a boss would give you, much bigger than a job you might give your child, and yet, Jesus said the words, gave the job and then Let It Go!
It's up to each of us how and where and when we do it. "This is your baby, you have full charge of this one." That being said, I am Letting It Go!
Reference: Matthew 28: 19
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