You have to understand that my mind is like a maze. It takes twists and turns all over the place and I never quite know where it is going to take me. Well, Mother's Day is coming up soon and today is my youngest sons birthday and this caused me to start thinking about Mary, the mother of Jesus. I told you, twists and turns...
Imagine a young girl being visited by an angel. She was told she was about to have a baby. She had never been with a man, in fact, she was just about to be married. She was told that the baby was going to be God's Son, and He would be a King. WOW! Talk about overwhelming news.
Upon hearing all of this...humble, sweet Mary declares, "I am the Lord's servant. May everything you have said about me come true". (Luke 1: 26-38)
She didn't say, What if....? nor did she say, But.....! She didn't try to negotiate - what's in it for me? She didn't argue or say, Uhh, the timings just not good for that, you see, I am getting married soon. None of that crossed her mind. No. She said, "I am the Lord's servant". What He wants is good with me. I am ready and willing. - Ah Ha - those great words -- I am willing. (Be the Change on 4/27/16)
What God was asking of Mary was huge! She knew it would be challenging. Yet she trusted God enough to know He would help her through it all.
How many times we feel a gentle nudge to do (or say) something and we ignore it. Granted, an angel doesn't usually appear to tell us to give $$ to a cause or to smile at someone, but you get what I mean. What does happen is that the Holy Spirit speaks to our heart about a thing. It is like a little niggle or nudge, a brief thought to do something or say something that will be of benefit to someone else. I like to call that Divine Inspiration. You see, God gave us the Holy Spirit as a guide, a helper to lead us to be better people. (John 14: 16-17) The Holy Spirits job is to give those little Divine Inspirations. It is our job to listen to them and then follow through. When you get those feelings or thoughts, that is the Holy Spirit speaking to your heart. (Galatians 5:25)
When we listen and do what our heart is telling us to do, we find blessings. Blessings that are passed on to the recipient and blessings for us as the giver. Mary was blessed by accepting what God had in store for her. I am blessed by my 4 children - they are extraordinary people. But Mary, Mary got to be the Mother of God's only Son - the Savior of the World. Amazing blessing!! Mary's cousin Elizabeth said to Mary, "God has blessed you above all women, and your child is blessed." and "You are blessed because you believed that the Lord would do what He said." Luke 1: 42 & 45
I believe God's intent - His desire - is to bless us. We need to play a part in receiving that blessing. (Galatians 6: 7- 10)
So the next time Divine Inspiration hits, listen to it - do it - act on it - no matter how hard or easy. Believe me when I say - You will be blessed!
Oh, and regarding Divine Inspiration - A while back, there was an actor named Flip Wilson. He played a character on his TV show that was not always very nice. The character would then say, "The devil made me do it"! That is NOT Divine Inspiration. Just making sure we understand that. (smile)
"For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of what we eat or drink, but of living a life of goodness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. If you serve Christ with this attitude, you will please God, and others will approve of you, too." Romans 14: 17-18
"Now all glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or imagine." Ephesians 3:20
This is a blog about life: family, love, marriage, children, parenting, girl stuff, work, hobbies, pets - everything and anything that makes up LIFE!
Friday, April 29, 2016
Thursday, April 28, 2016
You Are As Old As You Feel
How does one know when they are old? Ask a 4 year old and he will tell you old is about 23. YIKES...I must be ancient, practically dead. Rumor has it that you are as old as you feel. So, if you are feeling good one day - you are not old, but feel lousy the next day, you are old. Really????
How do you KNOW you are old?
Since retiring, what I have noticed is that I feel like I am starting to act more like an oldie but goodie. For example, dinner is usually ready and served around 5:00 p.m. That never used to happen. I have a friend once that told me - "we are old, we eat around 5:00." She's not old by any stretch of the imagination but the perception is that eating early is for the oldies. I guess that makes me officially old - according to that definition.
I look at the waiters and waitresses in restaurants and most look like babies to me. Like they wouldn't even qualify for a work permit let alone to be serving people beer. A sure sign I am old.
My nose runs in the morning for no apparent reason. I call it "old lady nose". Yep, I am old.
But wait, there's more. I can remember a time when I could spend all week in the garden, pulling and tugging on weeds, digging huge holes for trees and roses, and moving potted plants with ease. Not so any more. I spent several hours gardening yesterday, down on my knees pulling old tree roots from the ground...while I was down there, I thought I better pray - "Lord, please let me be able to get up." He answered that prayer, but today - Oh man, I can't stop yawning and am I in a world of hurt. My legs are sore, my back is sore, every muscle in my body is screaming at idiot, don't you know you are old?
I ask myself though if getting old is really such a bad thing. Young people like to help old people. That's nice. I now qualify for Senior Discounts. Today I even saw a parking spot designated for Seniors, However, it did not specify if it was for a Senior in High School or an old people Senior. Either way, I qualify - I was a senior in high school once and now I am an old people. AARP is delighted to help me make travel plans. There are special educational classes Seniors can take - no homework, no tests, no grades. They must know that we won't remember any of it anyway, so why bother.
Yes, based on how I feel today, I think I am officially old. But the good news is, I can take a nap anytime I want and my hair sparkles. Gotta love that!!
How do you KNOW you are old?
Since retiring, what I have noticed is that I feel like I am starting to act more like an oldie but goodie. For example, dinner is usually ready and served around 5:00 p.m. That never used to happen. I have a friend once that told me - "we are old, we eat around 5:00." She's not old by any stretch of the imagination but the perception is that eating early is for the oldies. I guess that makes me officially old - according to that definition.
I look at the waiters and waitresses in restaurants and most look like babies to me. Like they wouldn't even qualify for a work permit let alone to be serving people beer. A sure sign I am old.
My nose runs in the morning for no apparent reason. I call it "old lady nose". Yep, I am old.
But wait, there's more. I can remember a time when I could spend all week in the garden, pulling and tugging on weeds, digging huge holes for trees and roses, and moving potted plants with ease. Not so any more. I spent several hours gardening yesterday, down on my knees pulling old tree roots from the ground...while I was down there, I thought I better pray - "Lord, please let me be able to get up." He answered that prayer, but today - Oh man, I can't stop yawning and am I in a world of hurt. My legs are sore, my back is sore, every muscle in my body is screaming at idiot, don't you know you are old?
I ask myself though if getting old is really such a bad thing. Young people like to help old people. That's nice. I now qualify for Senior Discounts. Today I even saw a parking spot designated for Seniors, However, it did not specify if it was for a Senior in High School or an old people Senior. Either way, I qualify - I was a senior in high school once and now I am an old people. AARP is delighted to help me make travel plans. There are special educational classes Seniors can take - no homework, no tests, no grades. They must know that we won't remember any of it anyway, so why bother.
Yes, based on how I feel today, I think I am officially old. But the good news is, I can take a nap anytime I want and my hair sparkles. Gotta love that!!
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Be the Change
One of my all time favorite stories in the Bible is about a man with leprosy. The man approached Jesus and knelt down before Him. "Lord," the man said, "if you are willing, you can heal me and make me clean." Without a seconds thought, "Jesus reached out and touched him." "I am willing," He said. "Be healed!" "And instantly the leprosy disappeared." Matthew 8: 1 - 3
This story is rich with meaning for us. Today, however, my thoughts turn to Jesus' words, "I am willing." Jesus said, "I am willing." I have to ask myself -- am I willing?
Am I willing to love?
Am I willing to give?
Am I willing to share?
Am I willing to help?
Am I willing to serve?
Am I willing to listen?
Am I willing to accept?
Am I willing to forgive?
Am I willing to wait?
Am I willing to compromise?
Am I willing to put others needs before mine?
If I am to strive to be like Jesus, I need to be willing. Willing to be a better person. We all do.
Just think what our world would be like if more people were willing to go the extra mile. Think about how much better our churches would be if more people were willing to serve. Think about our work places - how much nicer it would be to spend so many hours with people that were willing to get the job done right the first time. What about our marriages - what if we were more willing to compromise. My new Pastor said something a couple Sundays ago that struck me. He said, "Marriage is less about finding the right person as becoming the right person."
Becoming the right person means being willing. It starts with me. It starts with you. We can be the change we want to see in the world. But we have to be willing.
Are you willing?
"Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need."
Matt. 6:33 He will give us everything we need to be the change.
This story is rich with meaning for us. Today, however, my thoughts turn to Jesus' words, "I am willing." Jesus said, "I am willing." I have to ask myself -- am I willing?
Am I willing to love?
Am I willing to give?
Am I willing to share?
Am I willing to help?
Am I willing to serve?
Am I willing to listen?
Am I willing to accept?
Am I willing to forgive?
Am I willing to wait?
Am I willing to compromise?
Am I willing to put others needs before mine?
If I am to strive to be like Jesus, I need to be willing. Willing to be a better person. We all do.
Just think what our world would be like if more people were willing to go the extra mile. Think about how much better our churches would be if more people were willing to serve. Think about our work places - how much nicer it would be to spend so many hours with people that were willing to get the job done right the first time. What about our marriages - what if we were more willing to compromise. My new Pastor said something a couple Sundays ago that struck me. He said, "Marriage is less about finding the right person as becoming the right person."
Becoming the right person means being willing. It starts with me. It starts with you. We can be the change we want to see in the world. But we have to be willing.
Are you willing?
"Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need."
Matt. 6:33 He will give us everything we need to be the change.
Monday, April 25, 2016
Exercise - just for fun
Exercise is fun!
So….when we retired, the first thing we talked about was
being able to take the dogs for walks so that we too, would be getting
exercise. We would lose weight. It would
be great! It would be fun and easy; A
relaxing stroll around the new neighborhood.
We’d meet the neighbors and their dogs.
It sounded wonderful. Well, the
best laid plans of mice and men – as they say…We have been in the new digs for 25 days now and we have taken the dogs for a walk all of about half a dozen times and I have put on 5 pounds. And to add insult to injury, I made cupcakes today with a very sweet young friend of mine. She and her family took half of them home, but that still leaves 10 in this house. Ugh!!! I mean really, who can resist cupcakes.
I have resolved that after the cupcakes are gone, I will begin an exercise program – some kind, any kind. So I went on line to see what kind of programs are out there. Perhaps I could find something simple but effective - I hoped.
Real Life Fitness - Crunches – I don’t think so. That will kill my back.
Walk Off 10 Pounds - on a Treadmill! - Bummer! I don't have a treadmill.
Feel Great - Squats – Mmmmm? I
have a bad knee. Burpee Mix - First do a burpee by jumping straight up, landing and then dropping to a plank. Do a push up and then jump up. With feet together, jump while rotating upper body - Hold it right there - I can't even remember all that, much less do it.
Here’s one…Trim Your Tummy – this routine takes less
than 10 minutes it says. Cool, I could
do 10 minutes. Let’s see what I have to
do – Oooooh – the mountain climber- that sounds painful. Torso Twist – eeek – touch my left knee to my
right elbow as I twist my torso – uhhhh – I don’t think my body will do all
that at once. 
Movin’ on…..
Oh, this sounds interesting – an Exercise Block – Now this definitely looks promising:
Exercise Block Instructions
1. Place the block in the center of the floor.
2. Walk around it two times.
3. Sit down on the couch.
CONGRATULATIONS! You have just walked around the block twice!
I can do that!!! Whoa! Exercise really is fun!!!!
Who knew????
Friday, April 22, 2016
Be still and know...
You are silent today, Jesus. Or am I just not listening?
'Rest in me', He says. 'You don't need Me to speak to just rest in Me. Be still. Feel My peace. You are feeling My peace, not My silence.'
Know that I love you.
Know that I am with you.
Know that I am your protector.
Know that I have a plan for you.
Be still and know.
Know that I care about things that you care about.
Know that you can trust me.
Know that I will not let you down.
Know that I will be by your side in the storms.
Be still and know.
Know that I am faithful.
Know that I will give you peace.
Know that I will comfort you.
Know that I will give you joy.
Be still and know.
Know that I will help you.
Know that I will guide you.
Know that I am your friend forever.
Know that I will never leave you.
Be still and know.
Be still and know.
Thursday, April 21, 2016
All things work together...
Have you ever had one of those rough nights where you just can't fall asleep and when you finally do it is a fitful sleep? It doesn't happen to me often, but a couple nights ago, it did. My mind would not shut off so it took me a long time to fall asleep. Once I did though, I tossed and turned all night. I had odd dreams. I was hot then cold and that kept waking me up to make adjustments to the covers. It was a very, very long night.
I woke up the next morning, after a horrible nights sleep, however, feeling blessed and happy.
How does that happen??
As I think about it, I have come to the conclusion that the Lord has placed joy in my heart. He has placed love and peace in my heart and I am content. Being content in whatever circumstance you find yourself in is truly the key. God's Word teaches us that we should be content. (I Tim. 6: 6-8)
I don't think being content means we need to "settle" for things because I do believe God's wants the best for us. But I do think it means we should accept those things we can not change and make the best of them. Or accept them for what they are and move on. I had a horrible nights sleep, BUT, this was a new day.
You see, God always has a plan and so, being content is having faith that all things that happen will work together for your good or the good of others and so that God will be glorified. Contentment is something we have to work at. We have to learn it and practice it for it to become a part of our being. You can remind yourself to be content by saying - 'I know there is a reason for this'. ' I trust in God's plan for me.' These short sentences of affirmation helped me learn to be content.
Who knows, maybe I had a horrible nights sleep so that I could blog about it and help someone that is going through a rough time. It's true...All things work together...that's life!!
Have you ever had one of those rough nights where you just can't fall asleep and when you finally do it is a fitful sleep? It doesn't happen to me often, but a couple nights ago, it did. My mind would not shut off so it took me a long time to fall asleep. Once I did though, I tossed and turned all night. I had odd dreams. I was hot then cold and that kept waking me up to make adjustments to the covers. It was a very, very long night.
I woke up the next morning, after a horrible nights sleep, however, feeling blessed and happy.
How does that happen??
As I think about it, I have come to the conclusion that the Lord has placed joy in my heart. He has placed love and peace in my heart and I am content. Being content in whatever circumstance you find yourself in is truly the key. God's Word teaches us that we should be content. (I Tim. 6: 6-8)
I don't think being content means we need to "settle" for things because I do believe God's wants the best for us. But I do think it means we should accept those things we can not change and make the best of them. Or accept them for what they are and move on. I had a horrible nights sleep, BUT, this was a new day.
You see, God always has a plan and so, being content is having faith that all things that happen will work together for your good or the good of others and so that God will be glorified. Contentment is something we have to work at. We have to learn it and practice it for it to become a part of our being. You can remind yourself to be content by saying - 'I know there is a reason for this'. ' I trust in God's plan for me.' These short sentences of affirmation helped me learn to be content.
Who knows, maybe I had a horrible nights sleep so that I could blog about it and help someone that is going through a rough time. It's true...All things work together...that's life!!
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Isn't the word SPARKLE an amazing word? I love just saying the word. When I say it I can't help but make my eyes bigger and I smile. It's automatic. SPARKLE sounds like just what it means. It is called an autological word. SPARKLE sounds like and means Bright! Luminous! Glittery! Brilliant! Effervescent! Cheery! Fun! Lively! And aren't we attracted to things and people that SPARKLE?
Sparkling water quenches our thirst and refreshes. Sparkling diamonds make our eyes pop and our mouths water. But the most wonderful thing to see and be around is a SPARKLING person. A person whose eyes sparkle with love or mischief. A person whose life sparkles with kindness and good deeds. A person whose voice sparkles with laughter and song.
When Jesus comes back, the book of Zechariah tells us in Chapter 9 vs. 16, "The Lord their God will save them on that day as the flock of His people. They will sparkle in His land like jewels in a crown. How attractive and beautiful they will be!..."
Being people that sparkle in heaven sounds great. It sounds amazing. But I can't help but think we should be sparkling now - here on earth. We are supposed to be letting our light shine (Matt. 5:16). Isn't the command 'let your light shine' the same as a command to 'SPARKLE'?
So here is a thought for each day: Put your SPARKLE on!
Put it on every day and take it with you.
---- Uh oh, I feel a preschool teacher moment coming on...In fact, you could grab a pretend bag of SPARKLE each day and carry it with you so you can sprinkle the SPARKLE around leaving some behind everywhere you go. Hmmm? Too weird???
The point is...SPARKLE at the grocery store. SPARKLE at school. SPARKLE at work. SPARKLE at home. SPARKLE wherever you go.
SPARKLE like the amazing beautiful person you are! so that...people will see Jesus in you!
Isn't the word SPARKLE an amazing word? I love just saying the word. When I say it I can't help but make my eyes bigger and I smile. It's automatic. SPARKLE sounds like just what it means. It is called an autological word. SPARKLE sounds like and means Bright! Luminous! Glittery! Brilliant! Effervescent! Cheery! Fun! Lively! And aren't we attracted to things and people that SPARKLE?
Sparkling water quenches our thirst and refreshes. Sparkling diamonds make our eyes pop and our mouths water. But the most wonderful thing to see and be around is a SPARKLING person. A person whose eyes sparkle with love or mischief. A person whose life sparkles with kindness and good deeds. A person whose voice sparkles with laughter and song.
When Jesus comes back, the book of Zechariah tells us in Chapter 9 vs. 16, "The Lord their God will save them on that day as the flock of His people. They will sparkle in His land like jewels in a crown. How attractive and beautiful they will be!..."
Being people that sparkle in heaven sounds great. It sounds amazing. But I can't help but think we should be sparkling now - here on earth. We are supposed to be letting our light shine (Matt. 5:16). Isn't the command 'let your light shine' the same as a command to 'SPARKLE'?
So here is a thought for each day: Put your SPARKLE on!
Put it on every day and take it with you.
---- Uh oh, I feel a preschool teacher moment coming on...In fact, you could grab a pretend bag of SPARKLE each day and carry it with you so you can sprinkle the SPARKLE around leaving some behind everywhere you go. Hmmm? Too weird???
The point is...SPARKLE at the grocery store. SPARKLE at school. SPARKLE at work. SPARKLE at home. SPARKLE wherever you go.
SPARKLE like the amazing beautiful person you are! so that...people will see Jesus in you!

Sunday, April 17, 2016
Everyone has heard of Batman and Superman, oh and don't forget Captain America. All these superheroes have one thing in common - they are there to "Save the Day". We share these superheroes with everyone practically in the world. So while they are special, they are not really personal to any one person. Well, maybe Batman was special to Cat Woman in a weird sort of way and Superman did have his Lois Lane.
Well, I am here to tell you superheroes can indeed be personal. I have my very own Super Hero. Who knew?? It is amazing!! To some his name is Steve, to others, Steven James and yet others call him Dad. To some he is friend and coworker. Still others call him Grumpa and the all new name of G-Pa. I call him husband and S.P. but only we know what S.P. means...ha ha and don't even try to guess cuz we are not tellin'.
Anyway, super heroes are never off duty. They are always thinking. They are always paying attention and watching and looking. Some might say that makes them nosy. I prefer to call it being in a state of ready.
My very own superhero was in a state of ready today. He was watching and paying attention and looking and he sprang into action as he saw what appeared to be a box labeled kitchen. It was not in the kitchen or even the garage. HMMMMM? This could be serious. Because my superhero is also always on duty and always thinking, of course he picked up the box and opened it. And that is when it happened.... upon opening the box, he totally "Saved the Day".
Whoop! Whoop! Happy dance time!!!!
Now if you didn't read the That's Life blog from April 15th - first - shame on you - second, you need to read it for this to make any sense at all.
Finding the spices is HUGE!! HUGE, I tell you!!!! They have been missing in action for nearly 3 weeks. Our poor, poor taste buds have been going through withdrawal. I was doing fine not finding my deodorant. I was fine sitting on the outdoor chair to use my computer which was on a little kid table - it was awkward, but I was fine doing it. I was even fine not being able to find my hearing aid batteries - the quiet is kind of nice actually... But I was not fine, not being able to find the spices. I searched through everything in the garage. I moved box after box - To no avail. I looked in rooms. "Where, oh where, could my spices be???," I lamented over and over.
We have a saying in our house, 'it's not lost till mom can't find it'. My spices were lost!!! I could not find them anywhere. My imagination had a lone box of spices left on one of the 2 PODS. Sigh!!
But my Super Hero found them. He is known by many names, but to me he is Awesome Man!! My very own personal Super Hero. Thank You, Awesome Man!
Everyone has heard of Batman and Superman, oh and don't forget Captain America. All these superheroes have one thing in common - they are there to "Save the Day". We share these superheroes with everyone practically in the world. So while they are special, they are not really personal to any one person. Well, maybe Batman was special to Cat Woman in a weird sort of way and Superman did have his Lois Lane.
Well, I am here to tell you superheroes can indeed be personal. I have my very own Super Hero. Who knew?? It is amazing!! To some his name is Steve, to others, Steven James and yet others call him Dad. To some he is friend and coworker. Still others call him Grumpa and the all new name of G-Pa. I call him husband and S.P. but only we know what S.P. means...ha ha and don't even try to guess cuz we are not tellin'.
Anyway, super heroes are never off duty. They are always thinking. They are always paying attention and watching and looking. Some might say that makes them nosy. I prefer to call it being in a state of ready.
My very own superhero was in a state of ready today. He was watching and paying attention and looking and he sprang into action as he saw what appeared to be a box labeled kitchen. It was not in the kitchen or even the garage. HMMMMM? This could be serious. Because my superhero is also always on duty and always thinking, of course he picked up the box and opened it. And that is when it happened.... upon opening the box, he totally "Saved the Day".
Whoop! Whoop! Happy dance time!!!!
Now if you didn't read the That's Life blog from April 15th - first - shame on you - second, you need to read it for this to make any sense at all.
Finding the spices is HUGE!! HUGE, I tell you!!!! They have been missing in action for nearly 3 weeks. Our poor, poor taste buds have been going through withdrawal. I was doing fine not finding my deodorant. I was fine sitting on the outdoor chair to use my computer which was on a little kid table - it was awkward, but I was fine doing it. I was even fine not being able to find my hearing aid batteries - the quiet is kind of nice actually... But I was not fine, not being able to find the spices. I searched through everything in the garage. I moved box after box - To no avail. I looked in rooms. "Where, oh where, could my spices be???," I lamented over and over.
We have a saying in our house, 'it's not lost till mom can't find it'. My spices were lost!!! I could not find them anywhere. My imagination had a lone box of spices left on one of the 2 PODS. Sigh!!
But my Super Hero found them. He is known by many names, but to me he is Awesome Man!! My very own personal Super Hero. Thank You, Awesome Man!
Saturday, April 16, 2016
A Blank Page
A Blank Page
Well, we have been in our new home for exactly 16 days. Upon arrival all we had was a small trailer of things we needed to meet immediate needs and carry us through until our PODS arrived. The first night, the house was empty except for a few small lamps and tables and the air mattress we used when we were here in January. Walking around the house was so weird and a little spooky. Because of the high ceilings, it seemed all noise echoed. Everywhere were bare walls, bare cabinets, bare rooms, bare closets. Looking around though, all I saw was opportunity. The opportunity to begin again...a blank page on which we could write anything we wanted. A blank, empty house that we could transform into a home.
And so, the work began. We dove into that trailer with a vengeance the morning after we arrived and began looking at each room as if it were a canvas. Deciding which cabinet to put the dishes in where it will be most accessible and convenient to empty the dishwasher. Which drawer for silverware. Which cabinet for pots and pans or spices. Speaking of spices - I still can't find the box the spices are in....foods been pretty bland thus far. (Smile.)
When the PODS arrived 8 days after we did, and everything was unloaded. HOLY COW! Stuff!! Major stuff!! to unpack and put away. And the work of unpacking has continued on and will continue for what I think will be a long time. Working one room at a time has been rewarding. It's been exciting to see each room as it begins to take shape.
What I am finding, however, is that old habits from 27 years of reaching into certain drawers or cabinets on certain sides of the kitchen, still remain. I keep trying to put the open can of dog food in the pantry because that is where the frig was in our old house. I keep opening the cabinet to the right of the sink to throw trash away because that's the side of the sink the trash cabinet was on in the old house. In the new house the trash cabinet is on the left of the sink.
The creation of a masterpiece, a home, on a blank page is going to take time. It will be a slow physical process as we unpack the many, many boxes and tubs, but it will also be a slow mental process for us. It really is like an artist with a blank canvas. The artist gets a physical vision and a mental vision of what he or she wants to see on that canvas. And it takes time to get it just right.
Yes, the opportunity to fill a blank page is here for us. But, as anxious as we are to get settled and get everything put away and in place in this big empty house, it is going to take time. We need to take our time and get it just right. Making it a masterpiece created with care and love and thought, not just stuff. A home filled with love and laughter and the presence of God. A blank page, made beautiful in it's time.
"What does the worker gain from his toil? I have seen the burden God has laid on men. He has made everything beautiful in it's time..." Eccl. 3: 9:11a
Well, we have been in our new home for exactly 16 days. Upon arrival all we had was a small trailer of things we needed to meet immediate needs and carry us through until our PODS arrived. The first night, the house was empty except for a few small lamps and tables and the air mattress we used when we were here in January. Walking around the house was so weird and a little spooky. Because of the high ceilings, it seemed all noise echoed. Everywhere were bare walls, bare cabinets, bare rooms, bare closets. Looking around though, all I saw was opportunity. The opportunity to begin again...a blank page on which we could write anything we wanted. A blank, empty house that we could transform into a home.
And so, the work began. We dove into that trailer with a vengeance the morning after we arrived and began looking at each room as if it were a canvas. Deciding which cabinet to put the dishes in where it will be most accessible and convenient to empty the dishwasher. Which drawer for silverware. Which cabinet for pots and pans or spices. Speaking of spices - I still can't find the box the spices are in....foods been pretty bland thus far. (Smile.)
When the PODS arrived 8 days after we did, and everything was unloaded. HOLY COW! Stuff!! Major stuff!! to unpack and put away. And the work of unpacking has continued on and will continue for what I think will be a long time. Working one room at a time has been rewarding. It's been exciting to see each room as it begins to take shape.
What I am finding, however, is that old habits from 27 years of reaching into certain drawers or cabinets on certain sides of the kitchen, still remain. I keep trying to put the open can of dog food in the pantry because that is where the frig was in our old house. I keep opening the cabinet to the right of the sink to throw trash away because that's the side of the sink the trash cabinet was on in the old house. In the new house the trash cabinet is on the left of the sink.
The creation of a masterpiece, a home, on a blank page is going to take time. It will be a slow physical process as we unpack the many, many boxes and tubs, but it will also be a slow mental process for us. It really is like an artist with a blank canvas. The artist gets a physical vision and a mental vision of what he or she wants to see on that canvas. And it takes time to get it just right.
Yes, the opportunity to fill a blank page is here for us. But, as anxious as we are to get settled and get everything put away and in place in this big empty house, it is going to take time. We need to take our time and get it just right. Making it a masterpiece created with care and love and thought, not just stuff. A home filled with love and laughter and the presence of God. A blank page, made beautiful in it's time.
"What does the worker gain from his toil? I have seen the burden God has laid on men. He has made everything beautiful in it's time..." Eccl. 3: 9:11a
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