Raising Cain or Raising Kids
There are those parents that never had a moments concern, never had the slightest difference of opinion with or never received any push back or rebellion from their child. I believe they are few and far between - but they do exist. However, I can say with a fair amount of certainty that way more parents would agree - that raising kids can be trying.
They try our patience, they try our understanding, they try us physically, mentally and emotionally at times. And yet... Would you as a parent trade one moment of it? Absolutely not! Though trying, "parenting" is so ultimately rewarding.
- The child that was the most rebellious is now a stay at home dad and the epitome of a good father. His children love and respect him as their dad.
- The child that was the most playful and slow to "grow up" - a mama's boy - was a marine and served our country overseas and is now a fireman saving lives and homes.
- The child that never got in trouble, was studious, kind of nerdy is now surrounded by true, loyal friends and is a successful CPA.
- The child that was a party animal - "borrowed" the car, snuck out at night - is now a responsible self-employed business owner.
When they were children - they acted like children. And we - acted like parents! Parents are not meant to be their child's friend. Parents are meant to be parents...guiding, teaching, loving, disciplining - in order that the child will grow up to be a responsible, kind, contributing member of society. That is the goal. That for a parent is the reward. Do parents make mistakes, of course. We are human, but you just be the best parent you know how.
Though children will try and test and push - I say - stay strong mom, stay strong dad. Don't give in just because they have asked you 50 times - No should mean No! You are the parent - what you say goes! It's that simple. I'll tell you this - if no means no every time - they won't ask 50 times. I know there are people that will disagree with this philosophy, but I've seen the difference in my classrooms. And believe me when I say, there is a difference. Children who are raised by "parents" are more respectful. Children who are raised by "parents" are better behaved in the classroom. Children who are raised by "parents" have better manners. It's true!
Be your child's parent while they are growing up. When they become an adult they will look to you as a parent and a friend. That's the way life is meant to be.
"Train a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not turn from it." Proverbs 22:6
This is a blog about life: family, love, marriage, children, parenting, girl stuff, work, hobbies, pets - everything and anything that makes up LIFE!
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Friday, March 28, 2014
What's In a Name
What's In a Name
As soon as a couple knows what the gender of their child is going to be, typically they begin thinking of names. In the olden days, we didn't know what we were going to have until the child was actually born. So, we didn't have as long to think about it, though we did have some ideas in mind for each sex. I can remember deciding on a name for one of our children on our way to the hospital to deliver. He didn't end up being named that name by the way. There must be some unwritten rule that says never name a child while in the throws of labor pains. If there isn't, there should be.
Anyway, parents put a lot of thought into naming their child. And that is as it should be. The child is going to have that name all his or her life. There are countless books of names to help new parents choose just the right name. You can even go online to a Baby Name Generator on parents.com to find the name of your baby by taking a baby name quiz. My husband lobbied with each of our children for the name Murray. Now, this is a perfectly nice name - for someone. But not for a person whose last name is Drury. Murray Drury - hmmmmmm!? I don't think so!
The #1 ranking boy name for 2014 according to Baby Center is Liam. For girls names, they show Olivia in the top spot. The name Liam is Irish and means unwavering protector. I picture a strong, faithful and loving family man. Olivia is Greek and means olive tree. Olive trees are tough. They are self-fruitful meaning they are independent and they are long lived. Some olive trees are over 1,000 years old. I'd say this is a beautiful, sweet but strong and powerful name. Liam and Olivia are both beautiful names and when you hear them, the image is of a beautiful child as well.
What image do you get when you hear the name Dweezil? or Pilot Inspector? How about Audio Science? or Moxie Crimefighter? Jermajesty and Reignbeau are kind of artsy. Folks, these are real names of real children - at least until they are old enough to go to court and change their name. I tried to find the meaning of the name Dweezil - couldn't be found. For Pilot Inspector and Audio Science I found definitions from the dictionary. I think a person's name should have a meaning, not a definition.
After looking up and finding all these unique names, I am thinking maybe Murray Drury wasn't so bad after all. Just don't try and say it fast 3 times.
The message here to parents is: Think about what you are naming your child. Take the time to find out what that name means and how that name might affect or guide your child's life. It's the first life decision you will make regarding your child. Make it a good one.
For more information on the meaning of names and their popularity check out:
"A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold." Proverbs 22: 1
As soon as a couple knows what the gender of their child is going to be, typically they begin thinking of names. In the olden days, we didn't know what we were going to have until the child was actually born. So, we didn't have as long to think about it, though we did have some ideas in mind for each sex. I can remember deciding on a name for one of our children on our way to the hospital to deliver. He didn't end up being named that name by the way. There must be some unwritten rule that says never name a child while in the throws of labor pains. If there isn't, there should be.
Anyway, parents put a lot of thought into naming their child. And that is as it should be. The child is going to have that name all his or her life. There are countless books of names to help new parents choose just the right name. You can even go online to a Baby Name Generator on parents.com to find the name of your baby by taking a baby name quiz. My husband lobbied with each of our children for the name Murray. Now, this is a perfectly nice name - for someone. But not for a person whose last name is Drury. Murray Drury - hmmmmmm!? I don't think so!
The #1 ranking boy name for 2014 according to Baby Center is Liam. For girls names, they show Olivia in the top spot. The name Liam is Irish and means unwavering protector. I picture a strong, faithful and loving family man. Olivia is Greek and means olive tree. Olive trees are tough. They are self-fruitful meaning they are independent and they are long lived. Some olive trees are over 1,000 years old. I'd say this is a beautiful, sweet but strong and powerful name. Liam and Olivia are both beautiful names and when you hear them, the image is of a beautiful child as well.
What image do you get when you hear the name Dweezil? or Pilot Inspector? How about Audio Science? or Moxie Crimefighter? Jermajesty and Reignbeau are kind of artsy. Folks, these are real names of real children - at least until they are old enough to go to court and change their name. I tried to find the meaning of the name Dweezil - couldn't be found. For Pilot Inspector and Audio Science I found definitions from the dictionary. I think a person's name should have a meaning, not a definition.
After looking up and finding all these unique names, I am thinking maybe Murray Drury wasn't so bad after all. Just don't try and say it fast 3 times.
The message here to parents is: Think about what you are naming your child. Take the time to find out what that name means and how that name might affect or guide your child's life. It's the first life decision you will make regarding your child. Make it a good one.
For more information on the meaning of names and their popularity check out:
"A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold." Proverbs 22: 1
Thursday, March 27, 2014
On the Road
On the Road
As an educator, I love learning new things. It makes no difference what it is. It could be about flowers or baseball or how something works, it doesn't matter. If I didn't know it before, I am excited to learn about it.
This weekend is Career Conference in Palm Springs for my business. Not only am I excited to be going to Palm Springs, a really cool location, but I am excited about all that I am going to learn. Learning new things opens up your mind to the unknown, to the possibilities.
No one knows everything. There is something to be learned from every experience, from every conversation, from every book read, from every observation made and from every new thing you do or try. Pay attention, look for it, you'll see!
On the road to gaining wisdom is where I want to be all the days of my life. May I never stop learning.
"Choose my instruction instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold, for wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her." Proverbs 8: 10 & 11
Clearing the Blockage
Clearing the Blockage
There are things in our lives that block our path to true freedom. We allow these things in and they begin to fester. Over time, they build upon each other creating a wall that blocks us from the good, abundant life God originally intended. You can blast through that wall....
HURT can cause a blockage: Find it in your heart to forgive. Ephesians 4: 31 & 32
DESPAIR can cause a blockage: Seek and find hope in even the small things. Trust God to guide your steps to get through it. Proverbs 3: 5 & 6
GREED can cause a blockage: Be content with what you have been given. More is not always better. Philippians 4:11 & 1 Timothy 6:6
FEAR can cause a blockage: Learn to trust God and have courage that all things work for the good. Deuteronomy 31:6, Psalm 91: 10 & 11
DISBELIEF can cause a blockage: Believe and you will be saved. John 3:15
WORRY can cause blockage: Give those worries to God. I Peter 5:7
INSECURITY can cause a blockage: Remember who you belong to. 2 Corinthians 7:16
HELPLESSNESS can cause a blockage: God is your provider. He owns it all and is willing and able to meet all your needs. Philippians 4:19
All of these can cause a blockage to the freedom to be who God created you to be. You can blast through that block wall by following the precepts for a life of freedom found in God's Word.
Send your hurt, despair, greed, fear, disbelief, worry, insecurity and helplessness packing and be free from them. Free to enjoy life without anything that drags you down. Free to enjoy all that God has in store for you.
Will it be easy? No! But you can do it! Philippians 4:13
Will it be worth the emotional work you will have to do? Yes! Freedom is worth it. Isaiah 40: 29 - 31
Fly! Soar! Be Free! That's the abundant life!
"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." 2 Corinthians 3:17
"My purpose is to give life and give it more abundantly." John 10:10
There are things in our lives that block our path to true freedom. We allow these things in and they begin to fester. Over time, they build upon each other creating a wall that blocks us from the good, abundant life God originally intended. You can blast through that wall....
HURT can cause a blockage: Find it in your heart to forgive. Ephesians 4: 31 & 32
DESPAIR can cause a blockage: Seek and find hope in even the small things. Trust God to guide your steps to get through it. Proverbs 3: 5 & 6
GREED can cause a blockage: Be content with what you have been given. More is not always better. Philippians 4:11 & 1 Timothy 6:6
FEAR can cause a blockage: Learn to trust God and have courage that all things work for the good. Deuteronomy 31:6, Psalm 91: 10 & 11
DISBELIEF can cause a blockage: Believe and you will be saved. John 3:15
WORRY can cause blockage: Give those worries to God. I Peter 5:7
INSECURITY can cause a blockage: Remember who you belong to. 2 Corinthians 7:16
HELPLESSNESS can cause a blockage: God is your provider. He owns it all and is willing and able to meet all your needs. Philippians 4:19
All of these can cause a blockage to the freedom to be who God created you to be. You can blast through that block wall by following the precepts for a life of freedom found in God's Word.
Send your hurt, despair, greed, fear, disbelief, worry, insecurity and helplessness packing and be free from them. Free to enjoy life without anything that drags you down. Free to enjoy all that God has in store for you.
Will it be easy? No! But you can do it! Philippians 4:13
Will it be worth the emotional work you will have to do? Yes! Freedom is worth it. Isaiah 40: 29 - 31
Fly! Soar! Be Free! That's the abundant life!
"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." 2 Corinthians 3:17
"My purpose is to give life and give it more abundantly." John 10:10
A Word on Happiness
A Word on Happiness
If you are ever going to be truly happy, you have to be happy with yourself first. You can't look to others for your own happiness. Sometimes others are fickle. You can't look to things to make you happy. Things break or become useless. You also can't count on happiness to come from things you hope to attain. Happiness is in the here and now - not out there someday.
Happiness comes from inside you - how you feel about yourself and how you feel about your life and all you do. And it will show in how you walk, how you talk, how you interact with people, and how you do things -- for happiness can't be contained. It just sort of oozes out of happy people. And they are nice to be around.
God wants us to be happy. He made a way for us to be happy. We need to open our eyes and look at all He has done for us, look at all He's given us so that we'd be happy. Happiness comes from being grateful for who God made each one of us to be and where He placed us. When it comes right down to it, who are we to not be happy with ourselves - that's sort of like telling God he blew it. News Flash!!!! God doesn't blow it. He doesn't make mistakes. He's perfect, remember. You are exactly who God wanted you to be; exactly as God wanted you to be; exactly where God wanted you to be. So be happy with yourself. "For you are God's workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do the good works God planned for us." Ephesians 2:10
You can't change who you are, but you can work on changing how you are, because change - well, that's part of life!!
"But may the righteous be glad and rejoice before God; may they be happy and joyful." Psalm 68:3
"The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy." Psalm 126:3
"A happy heart makes the face cheerful." Proverbs 15: 13a
If you are ever going to be truly happy, you have to be happy with yourself first. You can't look to others for your own happiness. Sometimes others are fickle. You can't look to things to make you happy. Things break or become useless. You also can't count on happiness to come from things you hope to attain. Happiness is in the here and now - not out there someday.
Happiness comes from inside you - how you feel about yourself and how you feel about your life and all you do. And it will show in how you walk, how you talk, how you interact with people, and how you do things -- for happiness can't be contained. It just sort of oozes out of happy people. And they are nice to be around.
God wants us to be happy. He made a way for us to be happy. We need to open our eyes and look at all He has done for us, look at all He's given us so that we'd be happy. Happiness comes from being grateful for who God made each one of us to be and where He placed us. When it comes right down to it, who are we to not be happy with ourselves - that's sort of like telling God he blew it. News Flash!!!! God doesn't blow it. He doesn't make mistakes. He's perfect, remember. You are exactly who God wanted you to be; exactly as God wanted you to be; exactly where God wanted you to be. So be happy with yourself. "For you are God's workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do the good works God planned for us." Ephesians 2:10
You can't change who you are, but you can work on changing how you are, because change - well, that's part of life!!
"But may the righteous be glad and rejoice before God; may they be happy and joyful." Psalm 68:3
"The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy." Psalm 126:3
"A happy heart makes the face cheerful." Proverbs 15: 13a
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
When God Calls
When God Calls
When God called Abraham, to be the father of a new nation, (Genesis 12: 1 & 4), He told him to leave his homeland for another place that would be shown to him. What - no map?? No planned destination? YIKES!! But Abraham did it. Every call from God is an invitation to leave something or someplace so that we might be free for something or someplace else.
When the call comes, we are often being asked to leave something that is safe, something we are familiar with and where we are comfortable. Safety though, sometimes restricts our possibility for a greater life. When we accept the invitation - we free ourselves up to grow, to open a broader vision of life, a broader vision of love and a broader vision of purpose.
Trusting God enough to follow the call is what is so hard. Hanging on to the control we think we have is what holds us back from all that God has in store for us.
We can learn a freeing lesson from Abraham. Abraham packed up his things and headed out of town. He didn't know where he was going. He didn't know why he was going. But he knew the God that asked him to do it - and so he did. No questions asked. No grumbling. No hesitation. Abraham just trusted. And so can we. For God is trustworthy.
When God calls there is a higher purpose than we can ever imagine. Trust Him!
"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, " declares the Lord. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts higher than your thoughts." Isaiah 55: 8 & 9
When God called Abraham, to be the father of a new nation, (Genesis 12: 1 & 4), He told him to leave his homeland for another place that would be shown to him. What - no map?? No planned destination? YIKES!! But Abraham did it. Every call from God is an invitation to leave something or someplace so that we might be free for something or someplace else.
When the call comes, we are often being asked to leave something that is safe, something we are familiar with and where we are comfortable. Safety though, sometimes restricts our possibility for a greater life. When we accept the invitation - we free ourselves up to grow, to open a broader vision of life, a broader vision of love and a broader vision of purpose.
Trusting God enough to follow the call is what is so hard. Hanging on to the control we think we have is what holds us back from all that God has in store for us.
We can learn a freeing lesson from Abraham. Abraham packed up his things and headed out of town. He didn't know where he was going. He didn't know why he was going. But he knew the God that asked him to do it - and so he did. No questions asked. No grumbling. No hesitation. Abraham just trusted. And so can we. For God is trustworthy.
When God calls there is a higher purpose than we can ever imagine. Trust Him!
"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, " declares the Lord. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts higher than your thoughts." Isaiah 55: 8 & 9
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Quirky Cooking
Quirky Cooking
Am I the only one who starts dinner and walks away to work on the computer or finish up something else - suddenly to be jolted into remembering dinner is cooking by the smell of something burning?
Honestly, one would think after being the household cook for over 40 years, I would have learned by now that I am easily distracted and have a tendency to burn or at the very least, over cook dinner. But, Nooooooo! it still happens.
In our house when I made rolls with dinner, it was sort of assumed that they would be a little dry. Actually, that is not true. It was assumed they would be so dry, we could use them to build a patio in the back yard. Thus, when the kids asked what was for dinner, the menu might have been recited something like this: 'Beef Stew, Salad and Patio Blocks'. (i.e. rolls) My daughter-in-law lovingly refers to my cube steaks as "foot steaks". I am not offended by this because it is true. My pork chops were so tough and dry they would inevitably land in someone's lap while they were trying to cut them. To this day, we still refer to them as "lap chops".
In the early years of our marriage, I was devastated when dinner would be burnt. I wanted to be the best wife and mother ever. I wanted to fill those tummies with food they thought was delicious. Over time though, all 4 kids and my wonderful, understanding husband just accepted it as a part of life. I am who I am. And I cook how I cook.
We found it wasn't the meal that was so important -- it was the time spent together 'at' the meal that was important. It was the discussions, the laughter, the tears and the sharing that made the meal, not necessarily the food. Although, the fond memories created over mom's cooking skills still make all of us smile.
You see, they love me in spite of my cooking skills. That's the way it should be in a family. Everyone has quirks! We need to just accept one another for who they are. Patio blocks, foot steaks, char-grilled cheese sandwiches and lap chops - the kind of cooking that makes a chef cringe but my family laugh and smile with acceptance, understanding and fond memories - because that's life in a family!
The take away from today's blog for families is: It's important to sit down to dinner together as a family and make memories.
"Love is patient, love is kind." I Corinthians 13: 4a
Am I the only one who starts dinner and walks away to work on the computer or finish up something else - suddenly to be jolted into remembering dinner is cooking by the smell of something burning?
Honestly, one would think after being the household cook for over 40 years, I would have learned by now that I am easily distracted and have a tendency to burn or at the very least, over cook dinner. But, Nooooooo! it still happens.
In our house when I made rolls with dinner, it was sort of assumed that they would be a little dry. Actually, that is not true. It was assumed they would be so dry, we could use them to build a patio in the back yard. Thus, when the kids asked what was for dinner, the menu might have been recited something like this: 'Beef Stew, Salad and Patio Blocks'. (i.e. rolls) My daughter-in-law lovingly refers to my cube steaks as "foot steaks". I am not offended by this because it is true. My pork chops were so tough and dry they would inevitably land in someone's lap while they were trying to cut them. To this day, we still refer to them as "lap chops".
In the early years of our marriage, I was devastated when dinner would be burnt. I wanted to be the best wife and mother ever. I wanted to fill those tummies with food they thought was delicious. Over time though, all 4 kids and my wonderful, understanding husband just accepted it as a part of life. I am who I am. And I cook how I cook.
We found it wasn't the meal that was so important -- it was the time spent together 'at' the meal that was important. It was the discussions, the laughter, the tears and the sharing that made the meal, not necessarily the food. Although, the fond memories created over mom's cooking skills still make all of us smile.
You see, they love me in spite of my cooking skills. That's the way it should be in a family. Everyone has quirks! We need to just accept one another for who they are. Patio blocks, foot steaks, char-grilled cheese sandwiches and lap chops - the kind of cooking that makes a chef cringe but my family laugh and smile with acceptance, understanding and fond memories - because that's life in a family!
The take away from today's blog for families is: It's important to sit down to dinner together as a family and make memories.
"Love is patient, love is kind." I Corinthians 13: 4a
Monday, March 24, 2014
Grocery Store Angel
Grocery Store Angel
Have you ever been so broke, you honestly did not know where your next meal was coming from? Well, I have. This is a true story from many, many years ago. But I remember it as if it were yesterday.
I walked into our very small local grocery store, knowing I had very little money to buy food for our family of 5. My friend was behind the cash register. We waved a greeting and I went about gathering a loaf of bread, a gallon of milk and a jar of peanut butter. As I place the items on the counter, I tell my friend, "We can stretch these things until the next payday. This is all I can get for now." She nods in understanding and rings the first item.
Just then, a nice looking man in a blue suit and white shirt walked into the store and right up to me. He casually bends down at my side and when he stands up again, he holds out a $20 bill and says to me "You dropped this." Looking at the bill, and knowing full well I did not have $20, I shake my head and say, "No, that's not mine, I don't have $20." He presses the bill into my hand and I stare down at it for a moment wondering why this guy gave me $20. A split second later, when I look up, the man in the blue suit is gone. I immediately run out the front door of the store which was literally 3 giant steps away - you guessed it - no man in a blue suit anywhere. There weren't even any cars pulling out of the parking lot. He was just gone.
When I come back in the store, I return to a mighty unhappy line of shoppers, but I ask the man that was waiting in line behind me if he saw where the man in the blue suit went. He replied, "What man? I didn't see any man. Are you gonna buy this stuff or what?" So, I ask my friend who was still standing behind the cash register - surely she saw him, she was standing right there - "Did you see the man in the blue suit? Do you know him?", I ask. "No", she says, "what man?"
No one saw him come in. No one saw him leave. No one saw him give me $20. But I had a $20 bill in my hand that he gave me.
No one will ever convince me that God did not send a grocery store angel to care for me and my family that day.
"Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation."
Hebrews 1:14
And He did it because He loves me.
"Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God
feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds." Luke 12:24
He loves you, too!
"Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has
borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms
of my hands; your walls are ever before me." Isaiah 49: 15 &16
Believing it, is Life!
Have you ever been so broke, you honestly did not know where your next meal was coming from? Well, I have. This is a true story from many, many years ago. But I remember it as if it were yesterday.
I walked into our very small local grocery store, knowing I had very little money to buy food for our family of 5. My friend was behind the cash register. We waved a greeting and I went about gathering a loaf of bread, a gallon of milk and a jar of peanut butter. As I place the items on the counter, I tell my friend, "We can stretch these things until the next payday. This is all I can get for now." She nods in understanding and rings the first item.
Just then, a nice looking man in a blue suit and white shirt walked into the store and right up to me. He casually bends down at my side and when he stands up again, he holds out a $20 bill and says to me "You dropped this." Looking at the bill, and knowing full well I did not have $20, I shake my head and say, "No, that's not mine, I don't have $20." He presses the bill into my hand and I stare down at it for a moment wondering why this guy gave me $20. A split second later, when I look up, the man in the blue suit is gone. I immediately run out the front door of the store which was literally 3 giant steps away - you guessed it - no man in a blue suit anywhere. There weren't even any cars pulling out of the parking lot. He was just gone.
When I come back in the store, I return to a mighty unhappy line of shoppers, but I ask the man that was waiting in line behind me if he saw where the man in the blue suit went. He replied, "What man? I didn't see any man. Are you gonna buy this stuff or what?" So, I ask my friend who was still standing behind the cash register - surely she saw him, she was standing right there - "Did you see the man in the blue suit? Do you know him?", I ask. "No", she says, "what man?"
No one saw him come in. No one saw him leave. No one saw him give me $20. But I had a $20 bill in my hand that he gave me.
No one will ever convince me that God did not send a grocery store angel to care for me and my family that day.
"Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation."
Hebrews 1:14
And He did it because He loves me.
"Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God
feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds." Luke 12:24
He loves you, too!
"Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has
borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms
of my hands; your walls are ever before me." Isaiah 49: 15 &16
Believing it, is Life!
Saturday, March 22, 2014
It's A Dogs Life
It's A Dogs Life
What exactly does "It's a dog's life" mean? It used to mean that life was hard. But over time the meaning changed. Now it means, an easy life, without responsibility and full of love. I can see why.
We humans dash about with activities to fill every moment of every day - you know what I'm talking about - the To Do list goes on and on and on, it's endless...working, cooking, cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, soccer practice, piano lessons, PTA meeting, homework, church activities, yard work, ballet lessons, heading up the fundraiser or the talent show, and as the King of Siam would say, "etcetera, etcetera, etcetera".
Now think about dogs. What do dogs do? They EAT, SLEEP and POOP. On a really busy day, they POOP twice. That's pretty much it! At least in my house it is.
Since retiring, I have been taking stock of how busy my life used to be - barely any time to actually sit down to a meal, hardly ever cleaned the house, up late every night with take home work and/or church work, meetings, volunteer work, night school, in addition to all the regular family and household stuff that needs to get done - busy - busy - busy - all - the - time!
I have found in this taking stock period of my life, that in my busyness, I lost a lot of time with my kids and husband. In my busyness I lost touch with friends. In my busyness I failed to find rest or happiness - I was too busy.
My dogs on the other hand are never too busy to follow me from room to room all day. It's just as easy to sleep in the office as it is in the kitchen. My dogs are never too busy to run and grab a towel as a homecoming gift and greet me excitedly as I walk through the door. Even if I've only been gone 5 minutes. My dogs are never too busy to alert me to someone walking through the neighborhood.
They seem to just know what's important.
I have learned a lot from the life of my dogs since retiring. Before - I was too busy to see what their day looked like. Now I know and it has been enlightening.
We can have a life that is similar to that of a dog by figuring out what's really important to us, by setting priorities in our lives and learning to say NO! Just remember, busyness does not equate to happiness. Love, family, friends, relationships, faith, even our pets and sometimes work can bring the greatest joy. Cutting some of the busy things out of your life oftentimes makes it better. Replace them with a family game night or choose at least one night a week for everyone to be home for dinner and talk. Instead of working on that spreadsheet, read a good book. Instead of sitting in front of your computer or the TV all evening, invite your spouse to play a board game. We have to make an effort to think about what's important and then act on it. Make it happen. It's time to take stock. Take a good long look at the things you do and decide who and what is really important. You'll be surprised at the difference it makes when you stop some of the busyness.
So, eat, sleep, poop and be happy!! To Life!!
Psalm 119:35 "Make me walk along the path of your commands, for that is where my happiness is found."
Psalm 86: 4 "Give me happiness, O Lord, for I give myself to you."
Luke 10: 41 & 42 "Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."
What exactly does "It's a dog's life" mean? It used to mean that life was hard. But over time the meaning changed. Now it means, an easy life, without responsibility and full of love. I can see why.
We humans dash about with activities to fill every moment of every day - you know what I'm talking about - the To Do list goes on and on and on, it's endless...working, cooking, cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, soccer practice, piano lessons, PTA meeting, homework, church activities, yard work, ballet lessons, heading up the fundraiser or the talent show, and as the King of Siam would say, "etcetera, etcetera, etcetera".
Now think about dogs. What do dogs do? They EAT, SLEEP and POOP. On a really busy day, they POOP twice. That's pretty much it! At least in my house it is.
Since retiring, I have been taking stock of how busy my life used to be - barely any time to actually sit down to a meal, hardly ever cleaned the house, up late every night with take home work and/or church work, meetings, volunteer work, night school, in addition to all the regular family and household stuff that needs to get done - busy - busy - busy - all - the - time!
I have found in this taking stock period of my life, that in my busyness, I lost a lot of time with my kids and husband. In my busyness I lost touch with friends. In my busyness I failed to find rest or happiness - I was too busy.
My dogs on the other hand are never too busy to follow me from room to room all day. It's just as easy to sleep in the office as it is in the kitchen. My dogs are never too busy to run and grab a towel as a homecoming gift and greet me excitedly as I walk through the door. Even if I've only been gone 5 minutes. My dogs are never too busy to alert me to someone walking through the neighborhood.
They seem to just know what's important.
I have learned a lot from the life of my dogs since retiring. Before - I was too busy to see what their day looked like. Now I know and it has been enlightening.
We can have a life that is similar to that of a dog by figuring out what's really important to us, by setting priorities in our lives and learning to say NO! Just remember, busyness does not equate to happiness. Love, family, friends, relationships, faith, even our pets and sometimes work can bring the greatest joy. Cutting some of the busy things out of your life oftentimes makes it better. Replace them with a family game night or choose at least one night a week for everyone to be home for dinner and talk. Instead of working on that spreadsheet, read a good book. Instead of sitting in front of your computer or the TV all evening, invite your spouse to play a board game. We have to make an effort to think about what's important and then act on it. Make it happen. It's time to take stock. Take a good long look at the things you do and decide who and what is really important. You'll be surprised at the difference it makes when you stop some of the busyness.
So, eat, sleep, poop and be happy!! To Life!!
Psalm 119:35 "Make me walk along the path of your commands, for that is where my happiness is found."
Psalm 86: 4 "Give me happiness, O Lord, for I give myself to you."
Luke 10: 41 & 42 "Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."
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"Daisy" |
Thursday, March 20, 2014
BB: Before Blogging
BB: Before Blogging
One of the first things a person does before beginning a blog is to determine a topic. Susan Gunelius in her book Blogging All-In-One for Dummies says, "Blog about a topic you love." And, she warns, "You need to be able to write about that topic a lot."
Well, I love life!! Truly, I do. Not only is it never dull, but there is so much to it! There is good and lousy. There is beauty and disaster. There is triumph and failure. There is love and laughter and it all makes up what we call life. And I love it all. Every morning I wake up and thank God for a new day. Another chance to feel and experience LIFE! And I love the Lord and His Word. So it is a double thrill to be able to share that with you as well.
When I started this blog, I didn't really know where it would take me. But so far it has been a really neat ride. I am hoping there are lots of people out there who will identify with the things I write about. We all seem to go through so many of the same things because that's how life rolls. And God, well, He's always the same so there is no guess work where He is concerned. Though He does surprise me at times.
In this life we meet people that drag us down and people that uplift. I have found as I write that sometimes I inspire myself to be better...to love more, to do more, to care more. I hope the blogs uplift, inspire and encourage you, too. And that they may even brighten your day. Before blogging, I never had that opportunity. I am so glad I do now.
I'd love to hear from you. Please comment and by all means pass the blog on to others. I wonder how many we could pass it on to. Let's do "That's Life" together.
One of the first things a person does before beginning a blog is to determine a topic. Susan Gunelius in her book Blogging All-In-One for Dummies says, "Blog about a topic you love." And, she warns, "You need to be able to write about that topic a lot."
Well, I love life!! Truly, I do. Not only is it never dull, but there is so much to it! There is good and lousy. There is beauty and disaster. There is triumph and failure. There is love and laughter and it all makes up what we call life. And I love it all. Every morning I wake up and thank God for a new day. Another chance to feel and experience LIFE! And I love the Lord and His Word. So it is a double thrill to be able to share that with you as well.
When I started this blog, I didn't really know where it would take me. But so far it has been a really neat ride. I am hoping there are lots of people out there who will identify with the things I write about. We all seem to go through so many of the same things because that's how life rolls. And God, well, He's always the same so there is no guess work where He is concerned. Though He does surprise me at times.
In this life we meet people that drag us down and people that uplift. I have found as I write that sometimes I inspire myself to be better...to love more, to do more, to care more. I hope the blogs uplift, inspire and encourage you, too. And that they may even brighten your day. Before blogging, I never had that opportunity. I am so glad I do now.
I'd love to hear from you. Please comment and by all means pass the blog on to others. I wonder how many we could pass it on to. Let's do "That's Life" together.
Mmmmm! Chocolate!
Mmmmm! Chocolate!
Just saying the word - 'chocolate' gives comfort and forces me to close my eyes and get that feel good feeling.
'Chocolate!' the word even rolls off your tongue with smooth creamy delicious goodness. Combine 'chocolate' with peanut butter - mmm! double goodness - or caramel - another word that conjures up sweet, luxurious goodness - ahh! sheer heaven in a wrapper.
What is it about 'chocolate' that gives that warm, wonderful, satisfied feeling? Perhaps it is fond memories of Trick or Treats past. Or the fact that it was such a rare and special treat to have a 'chocolate' bar as a kid. Maybe there is something sort of like an Adam/Eve complex attached to 'chocolate' - it was forbidden.
Well, guess what - it's nothing even the slightest bit so dramatic. Sorry to burst your philosophical bubble.
This quote by Baron Justus von Liebig says it all:
"Chocolate is a perfect food, as wholesome as it is delicious, a beneficial restorer of exhausted power..."
Who knew??? Baron Justus says 'chocolate' is perfect, it's wholesome, it's delicious (no surprise there) and it is beneficial. Cool!
And as Forrest Gump said in the 1994 movie of the same name, "Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." I would add - and it's all good!!!
Now, THAT'S life!!!
"You say, "I am allowed to do anything" - but not everything is good for you. You say, "I am allowed to do anything" - but not everything is beneficial. Don't be concerned for your own good but for the good of others." I Corinthians 10: 23-24
You can read more about the benefits of chocolate by following this link to this very interesting article published by the Medical Wellness Association: (Once a teacher always a teacher - Rd)
Benefits of Chocolate www.medicalwellnessassociation.com/articles/chocolate_benefits.htm
Disclaimer: The following link is an article published by the Medical Wellness Association on the internet and not meant to be taken as advise from this blogger on the benefits of eating chocolate. In other words, eat it at your own risk. ; )
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
It's A Secret
It's A Secret
Most everyone tends to wonder and worry about the future to some degree. Who will I marry? Will I be happy? How many children will I have? What will retirement look like? Will I have enough money? What will I be when I grow up? Will I be successful? Will the kids at the new school like me? At every age, there are different "wonders" and "worries".
Did you ever wish for a crystal ball that could show you what your future here on earth holds? Think about that for a minute. If you knew, wouldn't that just open up a whole new proverbial can of wonders & worries? What if you didn't like what you saw?
Personally, I think maybe God keeps our futures a secret as one more way of protecting us. Truer words were never spoken when He said in Matthew 6:34 "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry abut itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Isn't that just so true!!
As our Creator, He knows each one of us personally. He knows our limitations. He knows our strengths and our weaknesses. I trust Him to know that I can't handle knowing the future. For me, not knowing is okay. It's actually a good thing because I like to fix things. If you know what I mean.
The moral of the story is:
Take one day at a time. Make the most of it. Find the beauty in each day. Don't worry about the future. It's in good hands. Imagine if you will, God in a secret garden. As the gardener, He allows us to bloom and grow each day under His tender care. God promises to "guide you along the best pathway for your life." He promises to "advise you and watch over you." Psalm 32:8 Who better to trust with your future than your Creator?
God has His secrets, and I'm glad He's the one keeping them. They are safe with Him.
If anyone else had them, they'd probably tell, because that's life!
"The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of the law." Deuteronomy 29:29
Most everyone tends to wonder and worry about the future to some degree. Who will I marry? Will I be happy? How many children will I have? What will retirement look like? Will I have enough money? What will I be when I grow up? Will I be successful? Will the kids at the new school like me? At every age, there are different "wonders" and "worries".
Did you ever wish for a crystal ball that could show you what your future here on earth holds? Think about that for a minute. If you knew, wouldn't that just open up a whole new proverbial can of wonders & worries? What if you didn't like what you saw?
Personally, I think maybe God keeps our futures a secret as one more way of protecting us. Truer words were never spoken when He said in Matthew 6:34 "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry abut itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Isn't that just so true!!
As our Creator, He knows each one of us personally. He knows our limitations. He knows our strengths and our weaknesses. I trust Him to know that I can't handle knowing the future. For me, not knowing is okay. It's actually a good thing because I like to fix things. If you know what I mean.
The moral of the story is:
Take one day at a time. Make the most of it. Find the beauty in each day. Don't worry about the future. It's in good hands. Imagine if you will, God in a secret garden. As the gardener, He allows us to bloom and grow each day under His tender care. God promises to "guide you along the best pathway for your life." He promises to "advise you and watch over you." Psalm 32:8 Who better to trust with your future than your Creator?
God has His secrets, and I'm glad He's the one keeping them. They are safe with Him.
If anyone else had them, they'd probably tell, because that's life!
"The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of the law." Deuteronomy 29:29
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
The PatienceTalk
The Patience Talk
"I didn't get milk, teacher," I hear someone call out from the back table. "Okay, it's coming, please put on your patience hat," I say.
"We must wait our turn," I tell a student that has just grabbed a toy from another child, "That's called having patience."
Young children are not necessarily known for having patience, so I decide it's time to talk about patience with my class of 20 4 & 5 year olds.
"Does anyone know what patience is?" I ask. Several hands shoot up. "Patience is who the doctor takes care of when someone is sick," one student shares. "Well," I reply, that word sounds like what we are talking about, but a doctor takes care of patients - patients are people that go to the doctor to get well."
Another hand goes up. The child calls out, "My cousin is Patience." A little disheartened, I reply, "Oh, that Patience is a name. Your cousin's name is Patience."
I decide to try to explain a different way, "What about when I say I need you to put on your patience hats? What do I mean?" I ask. The student right in front of me on the floor gets excited - "I know, I know - you mean you want us to wait." Another child chimes in, "Patience is when you have to wait a really long time." Finally, I think they are getting it. I am hopeful. "Yes," I say, "sometimes you do have to wait a long time and sometimes it's not so long. But either way you are showing patience." I think I am making progress.
"Can any of you think of a time you had to have patience?" I ask. Another hand - I call on the child and he says, "I have patience when I am waiting for my sister to get out of the bathroom." "Yes," I say, "sometimes we have to have patience then." I don't really want to go there, but he does. CRUM!
He asks, "What's she doing in there for so long?" "Well", I say, "she might be brushing her hair or putting on make up." The banter continues. "Why does she put on makeup?" "Maybe because she wants to look nice." Why does she want to look nice?" "Well, maybe so she feels good about how she looks." "But why..." I interrupt.
"Maybe you could ask your sister when you get home. Let's talk some more about patience."
"Can anyone else tell us about a time you had patience?" I ask hesitantly. A hand in the back of the group goes up. "Yes, when did you have patience?" I ask.
He says, "I had patience once when I had to wait in the doctors office while my mom got Botox."
"Oh....um....well.... yes, I imagine you had patience then," I say nodding an affirmation, "That's great!!" I close my eyes and shake my head ever so slowly.
Alrighty then!!!! At this point, there just isn't a whole lot else I can say about patience. First, because I am having difficulty keeping my composure. Second, because I am afraid to - very, very afraid. So, with a sigh and a smile I ask, "Who wants to go outside and play?"
"As God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience." Colossians 3:12
"I didn't get milk, teacher," I hear someone call out from the back table. "Okay, it's coming, please put on your patience hat," I say.
"We must wait our turn," I tell a student that has just grabbed a toy from another child, "That's called having patience."
Young children are not necessarily known for having patience, so I decide it's time to talk about patience with my class of 20 4 & 5 year olds.
"Does anyone know what patience is?" I ask. Several hands shoot up. "Patience is who the doctor takes care of when someone is sick," one student shares. "Well," I reply, that word sounds like what we are talking about, but a doctor takes care of patients - patients are people that go to the doctor to get well."
Another hand goes up. The child calls out, "My cousin is Patience." A little disheartened, I reply, "Oh, that Patience is a name. Your cousin's name is Patience."
I decide to try to explain a different way, "What about when I say I need you to put on your patience hats? What do I mean?" I ask. The student right in front of me on the floor gets excited - "I know, I know - you mean you want us to wait." Another child chimes in, "Patience is when you have to wait a really long time." Finally, I think they are getting it. I am hopeful. "Yes," I say, "sometimes you do have to wait a long time and sometimes it's not so long. But either way you are showing patience." I think I am making progress.
"Can any of you think of a time you had to have patience?" I ask. Another hand - I call on the child and he says, "I have patience when I am waiting for my sister to get out of the bathroom." "Yes," I say, "sometimes we have to have patience then." I don't really want to go there, but he does. CRUM!
He asks, "What's she doing in there for so long?" "Well", I say, "she might be brushing her hair or putting on make up." The banter continues. "Why does she put on makeup?" "Maybe because she wants to look nice." Why does she want to look nice?" "Well, maybe so she feels good about how she looks." "But why..." I interrupt.
"Maybe you could ask your sister when you get home. Let's talk some more about patience."
"Can anyone else tell us about a time you had patience?" I ask hesitantly. A hand in the back of the group goes up. "Yes, when did you have patience?" I ask.
He says, "I had patience once when I had to wait in the doctors office while my mom got Botox."
"Oh....um....well.... yes, I imagine you had patience then," I say nodding an affirmation, "That's great!!" I close my eyes and shake my head ever so slowly.
Alrighty then!!!! At this point, there just isn't a whole lot else I can say about patience. First, because I am having difficulty keeping my composure. Second, because I am afraid to - very, very afraid. So, with a sigh and a smile I ask, "Who wants to go outside and play?"
"As God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience." Colossians 3:12
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Monday, Monday
Monday, Monday
8:00 a.m. - the alarm goes off --- ooh! it's Monday...my mind tells me to hit the snooze, but in a millisecond it says - "wait, it's Monday" -- "hit DISMISS!!" So I do.
Monday is - da da da da - 'Cleaning Day'. When I finally roll out of bed, the dogs look at me as if to say (in dog talk of course) "It's about stinkin' time! We're hungry and we gotta go...BAD!!" So, we take care of business - they eat, they go, and they go back to sleep. I on the other hand am facing a day of cleaning.
Just then, my phone beeps. It's a new text. It's a funny video. Who can resist a funny video, right? So I watch it. "I thought you had to clean today," I text back. "Just taking a break??? Ha Ha". "Yeah well, I have to clean today, too, so I slept till 9:45. LOL I hate housework. Would much rather be reading, or sewing, or crocheting or even going to the dentist. LOL"
Housework is such a waste of time I grumble. It's just going to get dusty again! The dogs are just going to decorate my clean floor with their wet paws and dripping tongues. SIGH!!!
Then a realization hits. How many women out there have no home to clean? How many women out there do not have the luxury of sleeping until 9:45? How many women do not have a choice? Tears comes to my eyes and I hang my head in shame. Searching through the Bible, I find what I am looking for.
Beep! Beep! Oh a new text..."Ha, Ha! I hate housework too." Like mother, like daughter!
Did we each clean our homes on Monday? Yes, we did. Did we like it? Not so much. But did we do it with thankful hearts that we have a home to clean? Absolutely! Because cleaning...well...that's life! Ya gotta do what ya gotta do.
"Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus."
1 Thessalonians 5:18
8:00 a.m. - the alarm goes off --- ooh! it's Monday...my mind tells me to hit the snooze, but in a millisecond it says - "wait, it's Monday" -- "hit DISMISS!!" So I do.
Monday is - da da da da - 'Cleaning Day'. When I finally roll out of bed, the dogs look at me as if to say (in dog talk of course) "It's about stinkin' time! We're hungry and we gotta go...BAD!!" So, we take care of business - they eat, they go, and they go back to sleep. I on the other hand am facing a day of cleaning.
Just then, my phone beeps. It's a new text. It's a funny video. Who can resist a funny video, right? So I watch it. "I thought you had to clean today," I text back. "Just taking a break??? Ha Ha". "Yeah well, I have to clean today, too, so I slept till 9:45. LOL I hate housework. Would much rather be reading, or sewing, or crocheting or even going to the dentist. LOL"
Housework is such a waste of time I grumble. It's just going to get dusty again! The dogs are just going to decorate my clean floor with their wet paws and dripping tongues. SIGH!!!
Then a realization hits. How many women out there have no home to clean? How many women out there do not have the luxury of sleeping until 9:45? How many women do not have a choice? Tears comes to my eyes and I hang my head in shame. Searching through the Bible, I find what I am looking for.
Beep! Beep! Oh a new text..."Ha, Ha! I hate housework too." Like mother, like daughter!
Did we each clean our homes on Monday? Yes, we did. Did we like it? Not so much. But did we do it with thankful hearts that we have a home to clean? Absolutely! Because cleaning...well...that's life! Ya gotta do what ya gotta do.
"Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus."
1 Thessalonians 5:18
A Slippery Slope
A Slippery Slope
Self-pity -- ooooh ----it's easy to feel sorry for ourselves.
- Why am "I" the last one here? Why am "I" cleaning up? This wasn't even my idea. This isn't my job.
- Why do "I" always have to cook dinner?
- Why do "I" always have to pick up after you? You never pick up after me.
"Wa, wa, wa, call the wambulance" to quote a line from the movie 'The Kid'. I think sometimes we actually enjoy splashing around in the pity-pool. We mustn't forget the rubber duckie while we're in there - "he makes bathtime fun!!".
Self-pity is a dangerous slope into the pit of depression and entitlement. It causes inner turmoil and disrupts inner peace and contentment. Self-pity is one bad dude!! Don't go there! Don't even get near the edge of the cliff.
Here's an idea - instead of looking at yourself - the "I" - which is where self-pity begins - look out and up!
Think on these things:
"Whatsoever things are true --" Really?? Do you "always" cook dinner?
"Whatsoever things are honest --" Do you "always" pick up after him? He "never" picks up after you? Never???
"Whatsoever things are just --" Whom are you serving? God or man?
Change your thinking
"Whatsoever things are pure --" Think about the goodness, the sacredness of life as you know it
"Whatsoever things are lovely --" Think about the beauty in your life
"Whatsoever things are admirable --" Think about being a God-pleaser
"If anything is excellent or praiseworthy --" Think about always doing your best no matter what
"...think about such things." "...And the God of peace will be with you." Philippians 4: 8 & 9b
When you feel yourself getting near the edge of the self-pity cliff - and let's be honest, we all do at one time or another - STOP!! Find the good, search for the truth, be honest with yourself, seek out the excellent and think on these things and bask in the God of peace with you.
Now, that's life!!!
Self-pity -- ooooh ----it's easy to feel sorry for ourselves.
- Why am "I" the last one here? Why am "I" cleaning up? This wasn't even my idea. This isn't my job.
- Why do "I" always have to cook dinner?
- Why do "I" always have to pick up after you? You never pick up after me.
"Wa, wa, wa, call the wambulance" to quote a line from the movie 'The Kid'. I think sometimes we actually enjoy splashing around in the pity-pool. We mustn't forget the rubber duckie while we're in there - "he makes bathtime fun!!".
Self-pity is a dangerous slope into the pit of depression and entitlement. It causes inner turmoil and disrupts inner peace and contentment. Self-pity is one bad dude!! Don't go there! Don't even get near the edge of the cliff.
Here's an idea - instead of looking at yourself - the "I" - which is where self-pity begins - look out and up!
Think on these things:
"Whatsoever things are true --" Really?? Do you "always" cook dinner?
"Whatsoever things are honest --" Do you "always" pick up after him? He "never" picks up after you? Never???
"Whatsoever things are just --" Whom are you serving? God or man?
Change your thinking
"Whatsoever things are pure --" Think about the goodness, the sacredness of life as you know it
"Whatsoever things are lovely --" Think about the beauty in your life
"Whatsoever things are admirable --" Think about being a God-pleaser
"If anything is excellent or praiseworthy --" Think about always doing your best no matter what
"...think about such things." "...And the God of peace will be with you." Philippians 4: 8 & 9b
When you feel yourself getting near the edge of the self-pity cliff - and let's be honest, we all do at one time or another - STOP!! Find the good, search for the truth, be honest with yourself, seek out the excellent and think on these things and bask in the God of peace with you.
Now, that's life!!!
Friday, March 14, 2014
Be Still
Be Still
How hard it is for us to just be still. Even if our body is not moving, our mind is racing - things to do, people to see, places to go - always something to think about, worry about, dream about - mind noise. TV and music blaring. Kids yelling. Dogs barking. Lawn mowers roaring. Motorcycles screaming. Cell phones beeping. External noise everywhere, constantly drumming.
Is it any wonder we don't hear God? Is it any wonder we miss that our child is hurting inside? Is it any wonder we fail to notice the fascinating slow, steady, purposeful pace of the snail or the fanciful flitting of a butterfly?
I have the luxury of being able to turn off my hearing aides.
In the silence - I see more.
In the silence - I hear more.
In the silence - I feel more.
In the silence - I enjoy more.
In the silence - it is easier to be still.
Life lesson: Periodically, turn off the noise - internal and external - and seek the silence - be still - somewhere - anywhere - even if you have to go sit in your car. Do it!
Be still and just breathe. Deep breath and release.
Close your eyes. Deep breath and release.
Look. Listen. See. Feel. Enjoy.
The silence - the stillness - that's life, too!
"Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10
How hard it is for us to just be still. Even if our body is not moving, our mind is racing - things to do, people to see, places to go - always something to think about, worry about, dream about - mind noise. TV and music blaring. Kids yelling. Dogs barking. Lawn mowers roaring. Motorcycles screaming. Cell phones beeping. External noise everywhere, constantly drumming.
Is it any wonder we don't hear God? Is it any wonder we miss that our child is hurting inside? Is it any wonder we fail to notice the fascinating slow, steady, purposeful pace of the snail or the fanciful flitting of a butterfly?
I have the luxury of being able to turn off my hearing aides.
In the silence - I see more.
In the silence - I hear more.
In the silence - I feel more.
In the silence - I enjoy more.
In the silence - it is easier to be still.
Life lesson: Periodically, turn off the noise - internal and external - and seek the silence - be still - somewhere - anywhere - even if you have to go sit in your car. Do it!
Be still and just breathe. Deep breath and release.
Close your eyes. Deep breath and release.
Look. Listen. See. Feel. Enjoy.
The silence - the stillness - that's life, too!
"Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10
Doing What's Right
Doing What's Right
"Oh, I think you gave me too much change, " I heard the lady say to the cashier while handing her the extra dime. The look of shock on the cashiers face was just as surprising to me. Didn't everyone return extra change? "Why, thank you, you're so honest," the cashier said, "but it's only a dime."
It really didn't matter whether it was a 10 cents or $10. It was the right thing to do. And doing the right thing is not always easy.
I know of a woman that gave her kidney to save her brother's life. He'd been waiting and waiting for a kidney. She was a match but he didn't want her to do it. Finally, she told him, "It's the right thing for me to do. I want to do this." So it went and he is still thriving and well. As a matter of fact he's lived to be in his 80's. Just imagine that! Giving your kidney for someone else. Reminds me of what Christ did for all mankind. Only He gave His life!
Doing what's right is a matter of integrity. It's not about the glory. It's not about recognition or making an impression. Doing what's right is private. It's personal. It's about doing something just because it's...well...RIGHT!
So I challenge you today. Go out and do something just because it's the right thing to do. Give a homeless person a bag of apples. Return a long overdue book to the library. Call that sick friend you have been avoiding. Thank your mail carrier. Do something nice for your child's teacher. Let someone that has a fidgety child go ahead of you in line at the store. Pick up that piece of trash you didn't drop.
If everyone did one or two things every day just because it was the right thing to do, think of how much better our lives would be. That's how life should be. That's how I want my life to be - how about you?
Luke 11:28 "Jesus replied, "But even more blessed are all who hear the Word of God and put it into practice."
"Oh, I think you gave me too much change, " I heard the lady say to the cashier while handing her the extra dime. The look of shock on the cashiers face was just as surprising to me. Didn't everyone return extra change? "Why, thank you, you're so honest," the cashier said, "but it's only a dime."
It really didn't matter whether it was a 10 cents or $10. It was the right thing to do. And doing the right thing is not always easy.
I know of a woman that gave her kidney to save her brother's life. He'd been waiting and waiting for a kidney. She was a match but he didn't want her to do it. Finally, she told him, "It's the right thing for me to do. I want to do this." So it went and he is still thriving and well. As a matter of fact he's lived to be in his 80's. Just imagine that! Giving your kidney for someone else. Reminds me of what Christ did for all mankind. Only He gave His life!
Doing what's right is a matter of integrity. It's not about the glory. It's not about recognition or making an impression. Doing what's right is private. It's personal. It's about doing something just because it's...well...RIGHT!
So I challenge you today. Go out and do something just because it's the right thing to do. Give a homeless person a bag of apples. Return a long overdue book to the library. Call that sick friend you have been avoiding. Thank your mail carrier. Do something nice for your child's teacher. Let someone that has a fidgety child go ahead of you in line at the store. Pick up that piece of trash you didn't drop.
If everyone did one or two things every day just because it was the right thing to do, think of how much better our lives would be. That's how life should be. That's how I want my life to be - how about you?
Luke 11:28 "Jesus replied, "But even more blessed are all who hear the Word of God and put it into practice."
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
My mother is 85 years old and is always smiling and
laughing. By choice, she still works
full time. She also volunteers at a
local non-profit by cleaning their offices and she regularly attends their
Tuesday night meetings. Every year she
dresses up like a clown and holds a sign inviting people to drop toys off at
the Toys for Tots location in her area. Her
favorite term is “Whatever!” Now to some
that might have a negative connotation.
“Whatever” can indeed be said sarcastically. However in her case, “Whatever” is used
positively. Sometimes it’s just a matter
of choice. She has learned in her 85
years that some things can be changed and some things just cannot. “Whatever”- just go with it and make the
best of it.
When she was young she got the dreaded disease of her day,
Polio. Her doctor told her she would probably never
have children. She had 3. Her doctor told her she would probably end up
in a wheelchair. He suggested she stay
busy to stall the inevitable as long as possible. Taking that advice to heart, she danced her
way through her teen and young adult years.
She sang and danced her way through her adult years and at my daughter’s
wedding just one year ago, she was the bell of the ball. Seriously!!
You see, when the doctor told her she would never have children and
probably end up in a wheelchair, she said to herself, “Not me!!”
Every day we make choices about the situations life hands us. Some things can be changed and some things
cannot. But, maybe, just maybe, the choices you make
will allow you to sing and dance through life.
“Whatever” – just go with it and make the best of it because, That’s
“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference” – Reinhold Niebuhr (The Serenity Prayer)
“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re
right!” Henry Ford
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