Sunday, March 16, 2014

Monday, Monday

Monday, Monday

8:00 a.m. - the alarm goes off ---  ooh! it's mind tells me to hit the snooze, but in a millisecond it says - "wait, it's Monday" -- "hit DISMISS!!"  So I do.

Monday is - da da da da - 'Cleaning Day'.  When I finally roll out of bed, the dogs look at me as if to say (in dog talk of course) "It's about stinkin' time! We're hungry and we gotta go...BAD!!"  So, we take care of business - they eat, they go, and they go back to sleep.  I on the other hand am facing a day of cleaning.

Just then, my phone beeps.  It's a new text.  It's a funny video.  Who can resist a funny video, right?  So I watch it.  "I thought you had to clean today," I text back.  "Just taking a break??? Ha Ha".  "Yeah well, I have to clean today, too, so I slept till 9:45. LOL  I hate housework. Would much rather be reading, or sewing, or crocheting or even going to the dentist. LOL"

Housework is such a waste of time I grumble.  It's just going to get dusty again! The dogs are just going to decorate my clean floor with their wet paws and dripping tongues.  SIGH!!!

Then a realization hits.  How many women out there have no home to clean?  How many women out there do not have the luxury of sleeping until 9:45?  How many women do not have a choice?  Tears comes to my eyes and I hang my head in shame.  Searching through the Bible, I find what I am looking for.

Beep! Beep! Oh a new text..."Ha, Ha! I hate housework too."  Like mother, like daughter!

Did we each clean our homes on Monday?  Yes, we did.  Did we like it?  Not so much.  But did we do it with thankful hearts that we have a home to clean?  Absolutely!  Because cleaning...well...that's life!  Ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

"Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus."
                                                                        1 Thessalonians 5:18

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