Saturday, May 24, 2014

Running Away

Running Away

Running away is one way to get out of something.  People do it all the time.  They run away from their problems by leaving town and going on vacation.  They run away from a relationship that is not going well.  They run away from a job or a church.  They run away just to be alone and regroup, think, sort things out.  Sometimes running away is the best thing to do, but not always. 

When one of my boys was about 6 years old.  He had strep throat.  Actually his throat was a weak spot health wise for him so he got strep throat a lot.  He got it so often, I got to the point where I could tell by the look in his eyes that it was coming and sure enough in a day or two he'd be sick.  I would call the doctor and say we needed medicine and by this time the doctor trusted my knowledge of my child and he'd prescribe.

Well, the medicine was not all that yummy tasting.  And so, I had to try to disguise it.  We tried all sorts of things to make it taste better.  Where is Mary Poppins when you need her, right??  And it got harder and harder to get this child to take the medicine.  One morning it was medicine time and when I went to wake up this little guy, he was already awake and he was packing his little suitcase.  He announced to me that he was running away to go live across the street with his aunt.  She certainly wouldn't make him take that awful medicine.  So I let him.  Suitcase in hand, he walked out the door and I watched my little blonde, blue eyed boy walk 3 doors down and then across the street.

When he was safely in his aunts house, I called her and explained.  He had not told her why he was running away so being the good/devious  mom's we were, we decided to tell him he could stay with her for a little while but she would make sure to get his medicine from his mom so she could take care of him properly.  Oh man!!!!!!

My husband tells a story about a time he ran away from home.  He got up around 6 a.m. took off on his bike and rode for miles and miles.  He eventually got bored and turned around and rode back home getting home around noon.  He says no one even knew he was gone.    What was the point of that?!?

I only remember running away once and it was a biggeee!! I ran away to get married but that is a whole separate blog topic which I will share some day.

The point is, running away from an unsafe situation is always a good thing.  But sometimes running away doesn't accomplish anything, the thing you are running away from either just follows you or is still there when you get back.   Because, that's life!!

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