Aren't you just so glad we are all different? Doesn't that make life so very interesting? I can't even imagine how totally dull life would be if everyone liked the same things and thought the same way and did things like everyone else.
Now there are some that say - it's my way or the highway - and want and expect everyone to act and think as they do. That would be no fun at all. The differences are what makes life exciting. The differences are what create synergy.
I had a group of girls at my home today for a little make up lesson. It was evident by their body language that some were embracing the challenge of learning how to put make up on and some were dreading it. Some couldn't wait to put it on and some couldn't wait to get home to take it off.
In a group of women I had over a few days ago - a couple daring, bold ladies headed straight for the reds and the bright pink lipsticks. Others found comfort in the neutrals - the au naturel and café au lait. These preference differences have a lot to do with our personality - of course the vivacious, wild and adventurous ones go for the reds and hot pinks. The more quiet subdued ladies go for the neutrals. "Different strokes for different folks." Color choices made based on preferences.
But lets go a little deeper than makeup. I saw a picture on Facebook today of two young people at a beach. They had captured what looked to be a very young dolphin and had it out of the water, were holding it's mouth closed, and in one photo sat on it. Very disturbing pictures. Who does something like that to an animal? Would you or I ever do something like that? Of course not, but they obviously thought it was okay or maybe they just made a bad choice in the moment. Differences of opinion on what is acceptable and what is not can be monumental.
We are all made differently. All wired by the Creator to be who we are, think how we think, and act how we act. The choices we make sometimes are not in alignment with who we were made to be.
But our differences are. It's not just fun and exciting to be different. We need to be different. If we were all the same degree of smart or the same degree of innovative or even the same degree of creative we probably would be extinct. God in His infinite wisdom made us different. He knows best!! I may not agree with how you think or what you do and I may not like the same colors that you like, but I have learned that sometim
es it is best just to agree to disagree. As my husband always says, "that's why there is chocolate and vanilla." That's life!
And just to make it interesting.....JERKS !
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