Dogs or Cats?
For today's blog we are going to do something a little different. This inspiration came from Oxnard College sending out a survey to inquire how the Lock Down drill they recently had went. As I was answering questions, I found I had very definite opinions on certain aspects of the drill and other areas I didn't give two hoots about. This led me to start thinking that probably most people have either a very strong opinion about something or they don't give two hoots. And I decided I'd like to know.
In my ASL class the other day my teacher was telling us a very funny story about a time she thought her dog attacked the neighbors bunny so she very slyly snuck into the neighbors yard and put the dead bunny back in the cage after cleaning it off and using a hair dryer to fluff it up again (This is the very, very short version!) and it turned out the bunny was already dead, her dog had dug it up from it's burial spot and the neighbor could not for the life of her figure out how the dead bunny got back in the cage, clean and fluffy no less! After this story she proceeded to tell us about some chickens and her cat. At which time she informed us she really does not like cats and much prefers dogs. She asked us to raise our hands if we liked cats and not many raised their hands. You know what happened...this prompted me to wonder if that is typical.
So, here's what we are going to do....
I want to know if each of my readers likes Dogs better or likes Cats better. If you are so inclined, you can tell me why and anything else you want about your dog or cat - a funny story, a picture, it's name.
If you go to the bottom of the blog there should be a spot to ADD A COMMENT. I think you can just click in that box and you will be able to add a comment, in this case the answer to this survey
If by chance that doesn't work or is not available to you - someone please let me know. You can email me at
It may mean I set something up wrong.
Here goes - Which do you like better --- Dogs or Cats?
"God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds . And God saw that it was good."
Genesis 1: 25
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