Roger and Rick are red-haired, freckle-faced twins. They are identical twins with very similar personalities. The kind of personality one would expect from red-haired, freckle-faced boys: a little feisty, a little sweet, a little mischievous but totally lovable. For anyone but their mother, the only way to tell Roger from Rick was by the adorable cowlicks on the top of their heads. It was a long time ago, but as I recall, Roger had one cowlick and Rick had two. These wonderful boys were students of mine when they were in 4th grade. I still remember them and their cowlicks with fondness some 40 years or so later.
I too, have a cowlick. Though I would not call mine adorable. It's more annoying and troublesome than anything. It is so troublesome, in fact, it is right now, 4:30 a.m. and because I was tossing and turning trying to avoid having a cowlick, I woke up thinking about mine which undoubtedly will be present tomorrow morning (oh, it's already morning) which lead me to think about Roger and Rick, which lead me to get up and write. Whewww!! I am gonna need a nap for sure. Anyway, my cowlick is smack in the middle of the crown of my head, so when I sleep on my back, the pillow and my head meet at just the right spot to totally flatten the hair around the cowlick. Lovely!! Next morning, not a darn thing I can do about it. My daughter, has the same cowlick. "Thanks, mom!!!"

I've read that lots of people have cowlicks: the ever dashing Harrison Ford for one - who knew? Honest Abe Lincoln, Dr. Spock, Albert Einstein, why even Superman had a cowlick. Funny thing about cowlicks - they actually get their name from how a mommy cow licks her calf in a spiral motion, thus forming cowlicks on her baby. I know! Right?? Weird, huh?! And kinda gross.
Personally, I think cowlicks are just one more way of God reminding us of who is really in control. If I were in control, I certainly wouldn't be up writing at 4:30 in the morning, and about cowlicks no less!
Well, Roger and Rick if you're out there reading this by chance, I think of you often and smile. Maybe I can catch a few more Zzzzz's now that the cowlick issue is out of my system.
Next day:
When I wake up I see that those crazy cows visited me yet again. There it is - my cowlick - sigh! because that's life!
"Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered." Matthew 10: 29 & 30
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